Creating unique content on the web is critical to having your services found by the right customers. Many businesses either don’t typically have the time to dedicate to writing pages of content, or they don’t allocate enough time. We can help your company mange that time. At Benson SEO, we’d enjoy the opportunity to help craft your story. You created your business because you have a passion. Let’s work together to share that passion with the world.
Web Site Content
You know your business and you know how your customers should be finding you through search. We simply apply that knowledge to targeting your Web site properly. Your core Web content should reflect exactly what you do or what you sell. We’re big fans of calling things what they are and keeping the writing simple. We are also now offering AI Optimization for content visibility in AI Applications and Search Engines with AI Integrations.
At the heart of content marketing lies blogging. We always recommend a WordPress installation, like this site uses because of the easy user interface and agile implementation. WordPress also offers a huge support community. You are an expert in your trade and possess a wealth of knowledge that you can pass on to your potential customers. All that’s left is to get started writing.
Once your site is optimized with great new content, it’s time to share your story with the masses—targeted masses. We can help create a perfectly worded outreach email or online press release to distribute to locations and potential customers who are interested in your news. As you attract customers, your story also has the potential to pique the interest of a local reporter or blogger who can help retell your news, earning you valuable publicity.
Contact us today for a comprehensive review of your content marketing.